Brian Gannon: Ukraine’s transformation toward economic strength
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Brian Gannon: Ukraine’s transformation toward economic strength

Aug 10, 2023

Security men search the twisted metal remains for anything salvageable after Kherson's Epicenter shopping center was hit by three Russian rockets on the night of February 3 2023, leaving about 21,000 square meters of burned real estate although no injuries were reported.

Ukraine has endured a long, tumultuous journey over the last 100 years, characterized by

intermittent periods of war, diplomacy, and relative peace under the watchful eye and

threatening voice of Russia. Now armed with a resolute desire to integrate into the European

Union, Ukraine is in a pivotal juncture where the imperative for post-conflict private sector investment cannot be overstated. Ukraine’s hopeful aspirations for stability, growth, and

European integration hinge on rekindling the strength of private sector investment in Ukraine while fostering a resilient civil society based on western values.

Ukraine's determination to align with the European Union reflects its longing for stability, democracy, and prosperity. The war in Ukraine has taken a significant toll on the nation's economy, resulting in a massive contraction. While public funding, including financial support from the United States and Western Europe, has played a crucial role in maintaining essential services in Ukraine, a sustainable recovery will require vibrant private sector investments.

A thriving private sector contributes to economic revitalization by generating employment opportunities, fostering innovation, and attracting further foreign investment. By leveraging its youthful population, skilled workforce and abundant resources, Ukraine can harness the private sector's potential to drive sustainable growth. Private enterprise has the agility to adapt to market demands, spurring diversification and reducing the economy's vulnerability to external shocks. The infusion of private capital can catalyze sectors such as technology, manufacturing, and agriculture, thereby creating a more resilient and self-sufficient economy.

Additionally, Ukraine will need a return of its displaced citizenry and strong repatriation of monies from its worldwide employed diaspora. Millions of Ukrainian citizens are now living in central and western Europe, Canada, and the United States. This group has legal access to employment opportunities and is able to provide economic support to family members remaining in Ukraine. However, this is unsustainable for Ukraine. These millions must return to a post-conflict Ukraine to buoy the economic revival, participate in reconstruction, and reunite families that have been separated because of the war.

Ukraine's aspiration to integrate into the European Union rests on its ability to align its economy and institutions with EU standards. Private investment plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective. The modernization of industries and alignment with the EU regulations are facilitated by private sector involvement. Private investors not only bring capital but also expertise, technology, and knowledge transfer that can expedite Ukraine's move toward European and Western norms.

Ukraine's path to recovery is intricately linked with the collaboration between the public and private sectors. The private sector can be an engine of growth that generates tax revenue and fosters innovation, but that will require post-conflict stability and security. A growing private sector diminishes the burden on public finances, better allowing for Ukrainian resources to be allocated towards social welfare programs and infrastructure. Further, a thriving private sector creates a favorable environment for small and medium-sized businesses to emerge and perhaps flourish, fostering job creation and entrepreneurship that underpin a healthy civil society.

Ukraine stands on the precipice of a pivotal transformation on this celebration of its independence from the Soviet Union and current fight to free itself from Putin’s puppet mastery. As Ukraine endeavors to emerge from its tumultuous past, the symbiotic relationship between public and private sectors will drive economic strength and social wellness. The investment in private enterprise is not merely a financial transaction; it is an investment in Ukraine's future stability, security and its rightful place among the nations of the European Union and the world.

Brian Gannon is an international affairs professional with more than 20 years of experience managing complex global operations within diverse businesses and NGO's. He founded the Ukraine America Initiative, a nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to the support of women and children affected by war in Ukraine.

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