Forget about a messy microwave
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Forget about a messy microwave

Jul 24, 2023

DEAR HELOISE: I just have to respond to the message from J. Abner in Gulf Cove, Florida. They hit the nail on the head. Just cover your food in the microwave with a microwave-safe plastic cover, and you'll never have a messy microwave.

I bought one of those covers from my granddaughter when she was selling items for a school fundraiser during fifth grade. My granddaughter is now 28 years old, and the microwave cover is as good as new, saving me the time of cleaning a microwave. If something splatters, just wipe it out and wipe off the glass plate. In a matter of minutes, the microwave is clean. So simple. Try it. -- R.M.H., in Arkansas


DEAR HELOISE:Like Marizee from Bakersfield, I, too, have switched to paper. We had always used plastic baggies when we cleaned the cat litter box. Now, I use lunch-size paper bags that will degrade at some point in the future, as opposed to plastic, which lasts forever. -- Liz, Mission Viejo, California


DEAR HELOISE: Our plumber says that tissues do not dissolve in the toilet bowl. Toilet paper is designed to dissolve, but please remember to dispose of tissues by throwing them in the wastebasket. Let's do what we can to prevent problems that require a plumber's assistance. -- Nancy Henson, Dayton, Ohio


DEAR HELOISE:Enough with the weird methods of opening jars for the first time. Using a bottle opener, slide the end under the jar lid and gently pry up. When the pressure on the jar loosens, the lid center will pop up, and the lid will screw off easily. -- Richard Wallish, via email


DEAR READERS: To help deodorize your mattress, vacuum the mattress first, and then sprinkle baking soda over it. Leave it on for around 30 minutes, then give it a good vacuuming.

Also, to give a fresh smell to a drawer, fill a small cloth bag with baking soda and put it into the drawer to help absorb odors.

Take note that baking soda is really good for this type of cleaning and deodorizing. Grab a copy of my six-page pamphlet "Heloise's Baking Soda Hints and Recipes" for more baking soda uses. Go to or send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. -- Heloise


DEAR HELOISE: I read a tip in your column about using magnets to help hold parchment paper in place on a baking sheet. I have a simple parchment paper trick that works great. Simply crumple the piece of parchment paper into a loose ball. This helps release the curl in the paper so it will lay flat afterward. -- Festero, Weare, New Hampshire

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to [email protected]. I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

King Features Syndicate

Print Headline: Forget about a messy microwave

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